🍞🧈My bread and butter
I have been writing js for four years now. In that time I have contributed to enterprise scale codebases writing ES-6 and beyond! I have worked with MVC style js architecture. From a frameworks standpoint, I have experience with angular js and vue.js in production settings. On side projects I have explored node, svelte and react as well. I have created and contributed to RESTful API's. I am a firm believer in testing code, (e2e, unit and component) I regularly write both karma and cypress tests at work. For all the buzzywordy JS i just mentioned, I do like to keep stuff slim when I can, this website was made with vanilla JS - no frameworks!
I have been writing python for a little over a year now, mainly in the context of django and fast api apps for backend logic and in some django templating as template conditionals. In the context of django apps, I have wrote endpoints, views, urls, etc and creating models, wrote queries with django ORM, created forms and tests. In fastapi apps, I have built endpoints, created classes, worked with graph db drivers and cypher queries and created restful api's!
My css experience consists of writing styles in enterprise scale codebases with scss and scoped css. I try my best to adhere to a style reminiscent of BEM for naming conventions in order to create scaleable, re-usable code that is easy to read and find. I also do my best to write cross browser progressively enhanced code that works on older computers/phones (I'm a pretty frequent visitor of Can I use). I have experience writing sass mixins and using css vars / creating and maintaining design systems with tokens. I also have experience with utility based css frameworks like tailwind, daisy UI, and skeleton CSS.
.HTML / handlebars / Django / .NJK
I kind of grouped a ton of stuff together just now, each probably deserves their own respective section but let's try to be efficient. I write semantic HTML daily, accessibility plays a big role in my design / writing style so using the correct tags for components and making sure when using progressive JS apps we still maintain usability for impaired users is always top of mind. I have experience with Django templates and writing some (really want to stress the SOME here) python for form fields, text labels, and other random odds and ends. I have experience with templating languages too, like handlebars and .njk - I actually used NJK templates for this site, I even created njk components within eleventy to make this more like Vue.
Design Thinking
Probably more important than everything I just mentioned, I'm pretty good at problem solving. I love collaborating cross functionally with engineers, pm's and other designers in order to dissect complex business problems and find solutions. On any feature or project I spend the majority of my time gathering requirements. To be concrete this involves me asking questions, defining use cases and establishing which problems we are solving for. I know when to test and how to gleam insights from said tests. I'm confident in my visual design skills which help me evaluate when something looks good, doesnt look good and how to enhance the delight of a digital experience to make something performant, usable and fun.