
Welcome to my design sandbox. To start, please pick a color from the select menu

Front end engineer

Is my current schtick. I'm excited by the prospect of working with and learning from you or your team.


Can't talk. Doing nerd stuff. Can talk if it's about nerd stuff.

Problem solver

Here to help you find design solutions for business problems.

My background

As of 2022-12-27, I am a product designer and front end engineer. Simply put, building things on the web brings me joy.

Who I am professionally

Currently, I am a ui designer front end engineer at Fareharbor 🙅‍♂️. On the technical side I have experience shipping features while working with enterprise scale codebases with css, scss, es6 js, angular, vue, python, django, and semantic html. I have over seven years of design experience in various roles from running my own design agency to working within a product team to design and build better software. This site serves as a playground for me to tinker with the web and as a platform for me to voice the occassional and often loosely held opinion. This site was made with 11ty, njk, scss and javascript.
To see some of my existing work, checkout my behance or my other site.

Here are some of the things I care about:

Building better experiences for the web, web accessibility, making websites faster, and learning about new languages. Currently I am nerding out on Javascript and Vue.

Let's work together