Vue is rad you should use it

## Vue is rad, you should try it Howzit, this week I felt the sudden and insatiable urge to write about Vue JS and my experiences with learning it over the past 8 months. TLDR; I think it is a succinct and intuitive framework that I am hoping to see used by larger companies over the next few years.

Some of what I liked:

Single component file structure feels natural and very similar to writing regular html with inline javascript. I think this has been one of the more notable reasons I felt so comfortable with vue from the get. Prior to Vue my SPA history consisted of a short lived two weeks working with JSX and react which was ultimately a demotivating experience. While I too fell victim to the archetypical rush for the framework trap that has plagued many a beginner JS dev, to my credit, React has its quirks and I felt they showed themselves earlier than Vue JS's did.

I love how easy it is to import functions and models, and use them in methods. I think the convenience of being able to write computed properties which are cache based and only update if a reactive variable is updated makes it really easy to optimize your code.

Scoped styles are sick. Not having to search through nine different files to see where a toolbar group lives and instead to be able to redeclare your global css inside your component file on an ad-hoc basis makes life a lot easier.

named slots are awesome for creating components that contain various layouts, and if you are building a comprehensive design system they are 100% something you should experiment with.

Some of the things that were difficult to grasp/Im still working on understanding.

State management is something that i still don't fully understand - I've read and reread the docs for this and I know that there are two main libraries to choose (pinia and vuex) from but establishing it's primary use case still eludes me? How can I use this in a crud app? Along with state management comes the mutations, getting and setting state which all still feel a little blurry.

Documentation for emitting custom events is a little light in my honest opinion. After enough time and help from a I figured it out but it was a little daunting at first with the conventions for camel case and kebab case.

Custom directives are a little tricky but i feel like i'm getting the hang of them by virtue of trial and error.

I know this was kind of a rant but for anyone thinking about checking out Vue I strongly recommend to take a stab at it. While there might not be the same amount of documentation as React it is still fun to write and its component based structure makes life really easy for bigger projects.