Hello world

Hey world, happy new year✨! This is a test to make sure I set up this blog correctly. I've been experimenting with 11ty as a SSG (static site generator) for the past week and a half. So far i'm a big fan of it's easy set up. When I started using it I was pretty new to using .njk (nunjucks) templating language but coming from a beginner-ish amount of background with Vue a lot made sense. I appreciate how you can structure your sites in a component oriented fashion (using shortcodes). Nesting components get's a little tricky but I think that has more to do with me being new to 11ty / .njk than anything else. But I digress, I started a blog and there is a reason for it.

The purpose of this blog will be to showcase the stuff I build for the web. I believe there is value in writing about the development/design process. For one, it helps to engrain some of the painfully learned 'aha moments' that come with the territory of developing a technical skillset. For two, for better or for worse, I often think I know more about a than i actually do. Writing about something technical forces me to have to enough knowledge on a subject to be able articulate a few comprehensible paragraphs that might be able to help someone else looking for the same answers as me. If you made it this far, thanks for reading and happy New Years! (3)